Hallen’s headquarters are conveniently located at 11 Commercial st Plainview, NY 11803. Click here for information on contacting Hallen.
How long has Hallen been operating?
Hallen has been in business since 1927. We’re very proud to have been a leader in the heavy construction industry for over 90 years.
What types of services does Hallen offer?
Hallen is a leader in the heavy construction industry. We specialize in pipeline, bridge & viaduct, and telecommunication construction. Click here to see information about our full line of services.
Does Hallen implement any safety training for its workers?
The safety of our employees, our customers, and the public at large is of the utmost importance to Hallen. Therefore, safety is a large part of our workers’ training program and we adhere to the U.S. Department of Labor’s OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Administration) standards. For more information about our commitment to safety and our training program, please visit our EHS page.