Fueling the Future
Hallen Construction has installed natural gas transmission pipelines for several of the largest utility enterprises in the New York Metro area. Our welding and installation teams are highly qualified, a necessity when working with transmission-pressure rated pipelines. Hallen is also well versed in the efficient construction of high-pressure metering and regulating facilities. From excavation to final commissioning, Hallen always provides the support your project needs.
Pipeline Installation
Warmth and Comfort for Every Household
Transmission pipelines range in size from 12” to 36” and run at pressures from 350 psi and up. These pipelines are constructed with heavy wall pipe and require highly qualified welding teams. All welds must be inspected and x-rayed, and the completed line must be cleaned, hydro-tested and dewatered before being commissioned. Hallen has completed transmission pipelines in the busiest areas of New York City’s five boroughs, navigating crowded utilities and high-traffic areas. Our portfolio also includes more remote locations where traditional cross-country style installations have been utilized.

Metering & Regulating Stations
Safety and Accuracy, Always
Hallen provides labor, welding, and rigging support for the installation of metering and regulator vaults/buildings, heaters, and the associated data and communication facilities. Our role begins with site preparation, excavation, and installing wood shoring. If a station requires a building to house piping components, we install the foundation and then set the modular building. We weld all necessary piping and work with agencies to ensure that all welds exceed standards and pass x-ray and air/hydro testing. Once the testing and drying are complete, Hallen supports the final tie-in and commissioning.