Environmental, Health & Safety
Throughout Hallen’s 90 year history a safe and healthy workplace has been recognized as a key ingredient to our success and growth. Employees are continually trained to be mindful of the welfare of our customers, the public at large, fellow employees and, of course, themselves. This means strict adherence to the laws that govern us, the exercise of good judgment and common sense. Our workers are encouraged to ask questions when they encounter issues outside their sphere of knowledge. This ensures that our workforce remains dynamic and helps Hallen reach its goal of a safe and productive working environment.
The Hallen Construction Co., Inc. E. H & S Program Highlight
- Fulltime Environmental, Health and Safety staff (including the 2001 & 2007 DCA National Safety Director of the Year)
- Fully dedicated Employee Learning and Development facility with classroom, indoor and outdoor “hands on” learning
- Joint Labor/Management Safety Committee
- Joint Labor/Management Training Committees
- Monthly Supervisory Safety Review Meetings
- Daily Job Site Safety Audits
- Weekly Tool Box Talks
- Tablet-based Daily Job Briefings
- Behavior Based Safety Incentive Program
- Annual “Dream Vacation” Safety Award
- Fleet Safety Policy/Matrix
- F.M.C.S.A. Qualified Drivers and Fleet Inspections
- Web-based Training Database
The Hallen Construction Co., Inc. Training Program:
- Fully Operator Qualified (OQ) workforce
- Mandatory New Worker Orientation (English/Spanish) – video clip
- OSHA 10 Hour Competent Person for Construction
- 40 Hour Hazwoper (50% of entire workforce)
- Trenching and Excavation Competent Person (70% of entire workforce)
- First Aid/CPR
- Defensive Driving
- Confined Space/Lock Out-Tag Out
- Hazard Communication/Asbestos Awareness
- Respirator Fit Test/Physical/Training
- Flagging
- MUTCD Traffic Control